Newport Group

Applicant Organization, Slovakia
Throughout more than years of our presence on the market in the provision of training services and consultancy, our goal is to keep bringing solutions that are aligned with the needs of our customers. Meeting this goal requires close co-operation with customers, understanding and consistently fulfilling their needs, requirements, opinions, and experience.
Newport Group is one of the largest private and independent business-oriented education providers in Slovakia. The Company offers higher education programmes, vocational training programmes as well as advanced professional training and continuing education.
Presenting a portfolio of accredited training programmes with a considerable share of practical training with features of dual training and further training, allowing to develop key competences necessary for the deployment of innovation in a manufacturing environment. From Mechatronics, CNC programming to automatisation and mechanical engineering.
To our clients belong Volkswagen, Jaguar Land Rover, Continental and many other manufacturers from automotive and engineering industry in Slovakia.
Bringing a portfolio of training courses oriented at the development of personal competences in a modern and interactive form, with a focus on effectiveness and quality of education while combining the existing requirements of HR professionals and participants alike. With this kind of education we are serving not only large enterprises but SMEs as well.
In addition to focusing on large manufacturing businesses, our clients are also the local labor offices and thousands of unemployed people. Through our offer of the inclusive educational courses and job readiness courses we are giving to this unemployed people the chance to live in dignity and the possibility to get the proper work.
Thanks to our co-operation with employers, the transfer of foreign know-how, we have prepared our offer of modern, effective and practice-oriented trainings.
Thanks to the high applicability of our graduates, we have confidence in our partner businesses, labor offices and employers\‘ associations. Our company is a member of the company of the Federation of employers\‘ associations of the Slovak Republic, German-Slovak chamber of industry and commerce, Slovak Chamber of industry and commerce.
Our colleagues are members of many professional groups preparing analysis for the state institution with the target: get the relevant and market based actual data for the process improvements in legislation.
The number of our staff varies from the season and the market demand. In the high season it can count up to 160 lectors combined from internal employees and long-time contractors from freelancers.
Ústredie práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny
The Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic as a public administration body at the central level, which regulates, co-ordinates and methodically manages the provision of employment services at 46 regional offices in the Slovak Republic. Employment services are a system of tools to support and assist labour market participants in finding suitable employment opportunities, changing jobs, filling vacancies and applying active labour market measures, with particular reference to disadvantaged groups of people, including people with disabilities. One of the key tools is professional advisory services aimed at solving the client’s job-related problems, reconciling his / her personality and job requirements, influencing the job seeker’s decision-making and behaviour as well as his / her social and work adaptation.mProfessional counselling services are carried out in the framework of individual and group counselling (counselling interview, anamnestic interview, individual action plan, balance of competences, selection for education and preparation for the labour market.
BKS Uspech
BKS Uspech has collaborated on many occasions with the Ministry of Labour on different employment-related projects. It has implemented several projects in counselling and candidate selection of job applicants for specific production processes for various Labour offices in the Slovak Republic. It also developed, carried out and was accredited for a number of training courses for unemployed people. Moreover, the company provides consulting on the process optimisation.
At present, the national project is being implemented – balance of competences for long-term unemployed. Last year this project provided counselling for more than 5,000 unemployed
with placement on the labour market of more than 21 per cent.
The company has 12 permanent consultants and trainers and several external collaborators. The company has implemented management quality standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

JugendStil was founded in 2002 and employs currently five staff members. Purpose of the association is the promotion of youth work, of education and mutual understanding between countries. The statutory aim is particularly realised by the implementation of activities at the local/regional, national and European level in the working fields mobility, integration and lifelong learning. Since 2007, the association has been realising projects in the frame of European funding programmes in co-operation with other NGO, educational institutions, regional authorities and relevant stakeholders. Among this were particularly youth exchanges, projects of participative democracy, seminars (Youth in Action), learning partnerships and Workshops (GRUNDTVIG) as well as Transfer of Innovation projects (Leonardo da Vinci). The association’s staff could gain according capacity and special technical competences with the management of the Transfer of Innovation project KOMPASS and particularly with the management of the Strategic Partnerships „ROMINKO“ and „The national anchoring of ROMINKO“ and its partnership in the project „YouthCompass“. The main target groups of the association are marginalised groups, particularly members of ethnic or national minorities, people with migration background and persons with handicaps.
TUCed – Institut für Weiterbildung GmbH
TUCed – (TU Chemnitz education GmbH) is a privately organised limited liability company, that was founded on 24.09.2001 for the development and implementation of in-service training courses. The sole shareholder is the association „Gesellschaft der Freunde der Technischen Universität Chemnitz e.V.“. The Chemnitz University of Technology is responsible for the content of the continuing education programmes. All graduates receive their diplomas and course certificates from Chemnitz University of Technology. The TUCed, as an affiliated institute of Chemnitz University of Technology, is responsible for the entire organisation and implementation of the continuing education programme. The TUCed is also a service provider for technology transfer for Chemnitz University of Technology and its partners in science and business. The focus here is on the handling of contract research projects for industry and (thus) the commercial exploitation of research services and research results. Individual projects, but also complex projects and clusters and science-related spin-offs are supervised by us. TUCed has currently 25 employees.
Groupe CCI Formation 54
Created in 1977 as the training department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Meurthe et Moselle, Groupe CCi Formation 54 (CCI54) relies today on a team of 70 permanent staff members and 360 collaborators. Since November 1998, it has been ISO 9001 certified. CCI 54 is historically the second largest training provider in the “Grand Est” region in France. It was originally part of the departmental Chamber of Commerce and thus serves the interests of more than 22,000 businesses within the Meurthe et Moselle department. Each year, nearly 7,000 people are trained by the organisation: 2,000 as part of continuing
education, 1,000 as apprentices and 203 professional training contracts (adult apprentices) with an exam success rate of 80 per cent, 1,500 job seekers (rate of integration into employment of 58 per cent at three months), and more than 100 skills assessments.
CCI 54 provides the following services within its consortium:
• Continuing adult education
• Apprenticeship
• Training for job seekers
• CIBC – Competence Balance Center
• IEQT (European Institute of Total Quality)
• Higher School of Commerce and Business
• Second Chance School.
CIBC Bourgogne Sud is an association founded in 1992. Its main activity is supporting employees and job seekers in their professional transitions and professional mobilities. We both co-operate with individuals and organisations.
We are connected to the Fédération Nationale des CIBC, first European network in lifelong career guidance and also involved in several European projects.
With more than 28 high skilled employees (consultants experienced and graduated in psychology, vocational training or HR), CIBC Bourgogne Sud is based in Burgundy and located in 3 departments (Yonne, Saône et Loire, Côte d’Or). CIBC Bourgogne Sud operates in several fields:
– Services for individuals (bilans de compétences) and organisations (change management, talent management)
– Public employment services: counselling in validation of prior experience, CEP – Professional Development Consulting
– Local partnerships through vocational and professional development and lifelong learning continue.
In 2018, almost 1,300 persons were helped in their career by the CIBC Bourgogne Sud, either for job retention or evolution, or to facilitate access to employement. More than 60 per cent of them mobilised the bilan de compétences.
Humán Erőforrásért Egyesület Dél-Alföldi Régió

HEEDA was founded in 2001. General statutory aims of our organisation are the promotion of the idea of European union, of the European integration process, the social dialogue, the
adoption of living conditions in Europe, the integration and re-integration of disadvantaged groups, of human resources, the environment and natural resources, of economy, an active citizenship as well as cross-border co-operation. For the implementation of this purpose 10 staff members of the association work currently in 4 departments:
1. Mobility (Youth Centre organising youth exchanges, camps)
2. Education (Education Centre implementing seminars, workshops, further educations, strategic partnerships)
3. Environment (Competence Centre for Regenerative Energies und Energy Saving Measures offering trainings, project days for schools, workshops)
4. Competence Balance (Competence Balance Centre providing Competence Balance for Roma).
As applicant or partner HEEDA has already been involved in projects in the frame of Youth in Action, TACIS IBPP, TACIS CBC SPF, Leonardo da Vinci, GRUNDTVIG as well as Europe for Citizens and ERASMUS+. HEEDA is foundation member of the European Network „Mentors of Europe’s Diversity“ with currently 33 member organisations from 15 countries. The activities of the network are based on a joint annual work programme. Focus of the network is the common search for opportunities of the improvement of the social and political participation of vulnerable groups and the further development of the European co-operation in the education field. The various activities of the network contribute to the personal, sociocultural and professional development of the target groups, promote their employability, strengthen their participation in decision making processes, but contribute also to debates on relevant policy fields, promote intercultural learning, tolerance, solidarity and equal chances. Besides, they contribute to the development of youth and education work.
Pici Paci Kft.
Pici-Paci Kft. was founded in 2001 and is a tourism and service providing plc situated in the South Great Plain of Hungary. On an area of 1.4 ha, the company provides facilities for accommodation and boarding of guests but also for spare time, creative and educational activities. We keep animals and host school classes and other groups of interest providing them non-formal education possibilities. We organise for example sport competitions and creative workshops. The seminar rooms of the plc are regularly used for trainings, seminars, workshops and other encounters.